As Seen on Dragons' Den

Acneic Scrub (60 ml)

Our Freida Acneic Scrub is powerful in aiding to clear up annoying pimples on skin of all ages.

Contains cubebot and lime, both astringent and antiseptic oils, geranium (cell regeneration), eucalyptus, tea tree, juniper berry, zinc oxide, camphor and jojoba beads.

The caffeine in ground arabica beans and organic dark cocoa helps to stimulate cell reproduction and exfoliation.

This delicious smelling cleanser, moisturizes and stimulates cell reproduction while cleansing and toning your skin.

Bonus...this is a multi-faceted product - not only does it exfoliate, it also hydrates and balances PH levels and evens out skin tone.

"This scrub is an important part of my Acneic line which works so well for anyone... man, woman, teenager. It's a really great exfoliating product, as well." - Freida

Regular Price: $74.99 SALE $54.99

You Save $20 

Shipping & Handling: $15 flat rate




We're So Happy You're Happy!

  • I am blessed to have such a talented, funny, smart, and dedicated esthetician, but most of all, friend. You’re a dear, Freida! Your collagen serum is magic!
    - Paige

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