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New Year's Resolutions For Your Skin

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New Year's Resolutions For Your Skin

New Year More Youthful Looking Skin

The new year often comes with plans to better ourselves and make change. Why not make one of those goals to improve yourself and your confidence through maintaining healthy, glowing and youthful skin?

We've put together a list of the most beneficial New Years Resolutions For Your Skin.

1) Seek professional advice: Book a free skin consultation to gain professional insight into what your skin needs. We conduct thorough skin examinations and discuss your specific requirements.

2) Wear sunscreen everyday: Everyday our skin is exposed to UVA rays that damage collagen and lead to fine lines and wrinkles. This is why it is important to wear sunscreen everyday regardless of the weather.

3) Moisturize and exfoliate daily: Moisturizing two times a day will hydrate your skin and help reduce signs of aging (you will love our Anti-Aging Moisturizer). Remove dead skin cells to prevent dry and dull skin by exfoliating 1-2 times a week. Use our Coca Scrub to rejuvenate and defy aging skin.

4) Drink more water and eat antioxidant rich foods: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and to slow the appearance of aging skin. Maintain healthy skin by adding fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C to your diet.

5) Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night: Sleep quality and healthy, youthful skin are indeed linked. Ensure you are getting 8 hours of sleep each night to prevent dark circles under your eyes and premature signs of aging.

6) Stick to a regular skincare regimen: Create a skincare routine that you will be able to follow on a daily basis. Simplify it if you need to! This will ensure your skin is getting the proper care it needs.

7) Wash your face and body right after exercising: Sweat left behind on your skin can lead to acne and other blemishes left on your face and body. Shower right after your workout to prevent annoying breakouts.

8) Invest in quality facials: A few quality facials each year can really benefit your appearance and help your skin care products go on more smoothly. Let us refresh your appearance through deep cleaning, exfoliation and hydration. You will love our rejuvenating facial on special now.

We're So Happy You're Happy!

  • Thank you for taking care of me and my skin. Your collagen facial did wonders to my, dare I say, aging skin. No doubt I will be back, Freida!
    - Sarah

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